How to Permanently Delete Your Pinterest Account


Have you decided that Pinterest just isn’t for you? Maybe it’s time to say “adios” to the world of pinboards and DIY projects. But before you take the plunge and jump headfirst into deleting your Pinterest account, there are a few things to consider. First, for those who aren’t familiar, Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to create and share collections of visual bookmarks, also known as, “Pins.”

You can save Pins to theme-based collections called “Boards.” From recipes to home decor, Pinterest has it all. So why would anyone want to delete their account? Maybe you’re simply too busy and overwhelmed with online platforms, or perhaps you’ve outgrown Pinterest. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know that deleting your account is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Before clicking the delete button, make sure to download any data and save any Pins or Boards that you want to keep. You might also want to review Pinterest’s data policies and ensure that you’re not losing anything important by deleting your account. Ready to ditch Pinterest for good?

Here’s how you can delete your account.

Steps to Delete a Pinterest Account

So, you’ve finally decided to bid farewell to Pinterest? Maybe it’s because of the new algorithm or the lack of engagement on your boards. Whatever the reason may be, we’re here to guide you through the process of deleting your Pinterest account. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Step 1:

Logging in to your Pinterest account First things first, log in to your Pinterest account. Seems simple enough, right? But wait, do you remember your password? Or is your account linked to your Facebook or Google account? If you do, then great, you’re already halfway there! If not, don’t worry, you can always reset your password or link your account with Facebook or Google.

Step 2:

Accessing the Account Settings page Now that you’ve logged in, it’s time to access the Account Settings page. You can do this by clicking on your profile picture and selecting ‘Settings’ from the dropdown menu. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Step 3:

Closing your Pinterest account This is the moment of truth. Take a deep breath and scroll down to the bottom of the Account Settings page. You’ll find the ‘Close Account’ button there. Click on it and you’ll be redirected to a page that will ask you to confirm your decision. This is where you’ll have to bid adieu to all the boards and pins you’ve worked so hard to curate.

Step 4:

Confirming the account deletion on Pinterest won’t let you go that easily. Once you’ve clicked on the ‘Close Account’ button, you’ll be asked to confirm your decision one last time. If you’re sure about your decision, then go ahead and click on ‘Yes, send email’. You’ll receive an email confirming the deletion of your account, and that’s it, you’re done!

Congratulations, you’ve successfully deleted your Pinterest account. But wait, before you log out, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Deleting your Pinterest account means that you’ll lose all your data permanently. Your saved links and boards will be gone forever. You’ll also lose access to all the boards and pins saved by other users. Yikes! But hey, don’t give up on Pinterest just yet. If you’re not ready to say goodbye to your boards and pins, then you can consider leaving them public or creating a secret board. You can also use Pinterest to save images offline or remove personal information from your account. In summary, deleting your Pinterest account is not as easy as it seems. But if you’re sure about your decision, then follow the steps mentioned above and bid farewell to the platform. Good luck!

Potential consequences of deleting your Pinterest account

Delete Your Pinterest Account

So, you’ve finally decided to say goodbye to Pinterest, huh? We totally understand, no judgment here. But before you hit that delete button, you might want to consider a few things. Here are some of the potential consequences of deleting your Pinterest account.

Firstly, you may lose data permanently. Yes, that includes all your boards, pins, likes, and comments. Say goodbye to those hours of work you put into curating the perfect collection of pins. They’ll be gone forever, just like that.

Secondly, your saved links and boards will be gone forever. So, if you were counting on those boards for future reference or inspiration, you might want to think again. You’ll lose access to all of them once you delete your account.

Thirdly, you’ll lose access to boards and pins saved by other users. Let’s say you saved a pin from someone else’s board, and you delete your account. That means you won’t be able to access that pin anymore, even if it’s something you really liked.

Lastly, Pinterest will retain your data for some time. Even after you’ve deleted your account, Pinterest still has the right to keep your data for a certain period of time. So, if you were hoping to erase your digital footprint completely, that’s not exactly how it works. Now, we don’t mean to discourage you from deleting your account if that’s what you really want to do. We just want to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into. If you do decide to go through with it, just remember to take a deep breath, and say goodbye to your boards one last time.

Alternatives to deleting your Pinterest account

So you’ve decided that permanently deleting your Pinterest account is not the way to go. That’s totally understandable because let’s face it, Pinterest can be addictively wonderful.

Here are some alternatives that you can consider before you decide to delete your Pinterest account for good. Leaving boards and pins public – If you’re hesitant about sharing some boards with everyone, make sure that you leave the ones that you don’t mind sharing with the public open. You can change the privacy settings for individual boards just by going to the board and clicking on the three dots and then editing the settings. That way, you can still use Pinterest without the worry of sharing everything with strangers.

Creating a secret Pinterest board – If you’re someone who wants to keep some boards hidden from the public eye, then creating a secret Pinterest board is the way to go. You can create as many as you want and share it with only a few friends whom you trust.

Using Pinterest to save images offline – Instead of saving images on Pinterest, you can always save them to your device offline. This way, you can still have access to the images without being dependent on Pinterest.

Removing personal information from your account – If you’re hesitant about sharing your personal information, you can always remove it from your account settings. This way, you can still use Pinterest but without the worry of sharing your personal information with strangers.

So, there you have it – a few alternatives that you can consider before permanently deleting your Pinterest account. It’s always better to explore other options first before you make the final call.


In summary, deleting your Pinterest account is a permanent action that will erase all your data and saved pins. It’s important to consider the potential consequences before taking this step. However, if you still want to delete your account, follow the easy steps we outlined earlier. Alternatively, you can create a secret Pinterest board or publicize your saved pins and boards. Removing personal information from your account is also an option. Final thoughts – think carefully before deleting your account, and explore other options first.

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